Sussillo and Abbott improved the echo-state network (ESN) with FORCE algorithm, which is more robust again noise and perturbations. They also provided the analysis of train dynamics and reverse-engineering of network dynamics for reservoir network generating coherent patterns.
Due to the chaotic nature, conventional BP fails in training RNN. Reservoir computing, using the echo-state property of RNNs, trains the output weight without manipulating the random reservoir current connectivity, and is capable to performing different tasks.
Compared with ESN (Jaeger 2004), FORCE algorithm is more robust against perturbations, and is more capable of multi-task continual learning.
The training dynamics and property of well-trained network were investigated.
During training, weights along eigenvectors with larger eigenvalues converge first, and the network encode task ability with multiple eigen-modes.
Well trained networks have fixed projections along first few eigenvectors and accompanied with flexible projections alone rest of eigenvectors.