
Postdoctoral Fellowships (Computational Neuroscience)

Institute of Natural Sciences (INS) – a newly established interdisciplinary institute at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) to conduct research in natural and engineering sciences, is recruiting Institute postdoctoral researchers in computational sciences and engineering. The initial appointment will be for two years with a possible renewal for the third with an annual salary of 170k~250k RMB and a research startup fund. The potential candidates should demonstrate record of top quality research work in computational research and interdisciplinary research background. Positions are available for strongly-motivated researchers to conduct high quality interdisciplinary research between INS members and science faculties on campus in the following areas.

Applications should consist of curriculum vitae, including a list of publications, summary of future research plans, and at least two letters of reference (one of them from Ph.D supervisor). Application materials should preferably be electronically sent to Dr. Douglas Zhou and Dr. Songting Li.

Review of applications will begin immediately, and will continue for the next several years.